Lawn Mower Automatic Choke Problems

Lawn Mower Automatic Choke Problems? Reasons and Solutions

A lawn mower’s automatic choke controls the air and fuel ratio in the engine to guarantee simple starting and peak performance. However, if it has issues, your mower won’t run smoothly. Dirty choke plates, blocked choke springs, carburetor issues, faulty choke mechanisms, and electrical issues are some of the most common lawn mower automatic choke…

Why Lawn Mower Has no Electrical Power Causes and Fixes Explained

Why Lawn Mower Has no Electrical Power? Causes and Fixes Explained

Nothing is more frustrating if your lawnmower does not start due to a lack of electrical power.  There are several common reasons why your lawn mower has no electrical power. Most of these problems are battery-related and simply changing the battery can resolve the problem. If you have a functioning battery and still facing power…

lawn mower transmission problems

How to Fix a Lawn Mower Transmission Problems?

The transmission of your lawn mower transfers power from the engine. As a result, the blades and wheels can operate smoothly. If the transmission has any issues, the operation will halt. The most common lawn mower transmission problems are faulty transmission gear, low transmission fluid, damaged seals and gaskets, hydrostatic transmission issues, loss of power,…

Why is my Mower Belt Overheating Reasons & Solutions Explained

Why is my Mower Belt Overheating? Reasons & Solutions Explained

Nowadays many lawn mower users reportedly face a common issue with the belt. They say the mower belt overheating badly and after some time it breaks.  There are many reasons why this can happen but in the most common scenario, improper tension of V-belts, misalignment of pulleys, and excessive friction are the main culprits.  Let’s…

Why Your Lawn Mower’s Self-Propel Feature Isn’t Working and How to Fix It

Common causes of lawn mower self propel not working include mechanical issues and problems with the drive control cable issue, worn wheel assembly, worn-out drive belt, defective transmission, and so on.  This is article will explore some of the common causes of self-propel not working on lawnmowers and provide solutions to help you get your…

Why My Mower Dies When Brake Released

Why My Mower Dies When Brake Released? (Solutions Added)

If you own a riding lawn mower, you may have encountered a frustrating issue where the engine dies immediately after releasing the brake.  Mower dies when brake released problem can be caused by a variety of factors, but the most common culprit is a faulty seat switch. Besides, clogged air filters, bad ignition and clogged…

Lawn Mower Pops when Trying to Start: An Expert Guide to Solve This

When you are starting your lawn mower and suddenly it starts popping sound, that means your mower is backfiring. It is a really serious problem as this thing leads thing to damage to the engine or other components. While backfiring can be a serious issue, it is often caused by specific problems within the mower’s…

Does Your Lawn Mower Keep Cutting Off? Here is How You Can Fix It

Are you having a starting issue with your mower? This is a common issue among most of the owners. If your lawn mower keeps cutting off while mowing or after starting, there are several reasons behind it. A clogged carburetor, faulty coil, bad connections, engine overheating, bad spark plug, low airflow, faulty fuel cap, safety…

Lawn Mower Clutch Stuck

Lawn Mower Clutch Stuck? Here’s How to Troubleshoot 

Lawn mower clutch stuck is a common problem. It can become a real headache and halt your lawn-mowing endeavors. Most mower owners have faced this at least once no matter what type of mower they have. It can happen because of multiple reasons. This problem usually happens because of belt issues, corrosion, and a worn-out…