Lawn Mower Pops when Trying to Start: An Expert Guide to Solve This
When you are starting your lawn mower and suddenly it starts popping sound, that means your mower is backfiring. It is a really serious problem as this thing leads thing to damage to the engine or other components.
While backfiring can be a serious issue, it is often caused by specific problems within the mower’s ignition and fuel delivery systems.
Let’s know more about why your lawn mower pops when trying to start and how can you fix this.
What Causes the Lawn Mower Pops When Trying To Start and How to Resolve It?
First, you have to know what is the popping sound. Your mower has a combustion chamber that controls explosions and generates power. When your mower engine works perfectly, you would hear nothing.
But if the explosion happens outside of the chamber, you will hear the popping sound. It is known as backfiring.
There are several potential causes for a lawn mower pop when trying to start it. Understanding these causes will help you identify the problem and determine the appropriate solution:
1. Fuel Quality:
One common cause of a lawn mower pops when trying to start is the use of fuel with a high blend of ethanol. Gasoline with a high ethanol content can cause issues in small engines like those found in lawnmowers.
It is important to use fuel with a low blend of alcohol to ensure proper engine performance and prevent backfiring.
And if the engine pops in the middle of the mowing, then a low fuel pressure is the one to blame.
To fix these, first, you have to ensure the proper fuel for your mower. Ethanol-blended fuel is not suitable for small engines like lawnmowers.
Drain the tank and replace the fuel with a better-suited type that contains lower blends of alcohol.
Check the fuel pressure and keep it optimum. And make sure the fuel filter is clean.
2. Carburetor Adjustment:
The carburetor is a very important component of the used air-fuel mixture. If the carburetor is not adjusted correctly, it can result in pops when trying to start.
A lean carburetor adjustment, where there is too much air and not enough fuel, can cause backfires. Regular adjustment and cleaning of the carburetor can help prevent this issue.
Use a carburetor cleaner or disassemble the carburetor to clean it thoroughly. Once clean, adjust the carburetor correctly to ensure the proper air-fuel ratio.
In a worse case, seek professional help to get inside the carburetor.
3. Engine Temperature and Pressure:
High engine temperature and pressure can cause your lawn mower pops when trying to start. It is partially dependent on the fuel pressure and the quality of the fuel you are using in it.
So, to avoid this, make sure you have proper and clean fuel in your mower. And try to avoid mowing in really hot weather as the outside temperature influences the engine temperature.
4. Damaged Flywheel and the key:
Flywheel can get damaged over time if you use your mower for a long time. A faulty flywheel key also can make your engine backfire.
The flywheel key connects the flywheel to the crankshaft of the engine. If the flywheel key is damaged or broken, it can cause the mower to pop when starting.
This issue often occurs when the mower encounters large rocks or other obstructions during operation.
To fix a flywheel and the key:
- Disconnect the spark plug.
- Remove the flywheel nut.
- Clear the area if you see any foreign substance.
- The keyhole should be lined up with the key. If not, the flywheel is damaged, replace the flywheel key.
5. Bad Spark Plug:
Damaged or worn spark plugs can create a weak spark, which may result in fuel not igniting correctly in the cylinder. Instead, the fuel can ignite in the hot exhaust, leading to a loud pop sound.
A bad spark plug can lead to many unwanted problems that can hamper your mower’s life and longevity.
To fix this, just simply change the spark plug.
How To Avoid Lawn Mower Pops When Trying to Start?
You can avoid the backfiring if you take care of your mower properly. By following these maintenance tips, you can minimize the risk of backfiring and ensure your mower performs optimally.
Regular Maintenance
Regularly check and maintain your lawn mower’s engine, carburetor, and fuel line. Clean or replace any clogged or damaged parts. This will prevent issues that can lead your lawn mower pops when trying to start.
Rust Prevention
Inspect the gas tank and other engine parts for rust. Rust can find its way into the engine and increase wear and tear. Remove the rust to maintain the efficiency of your mower.
Proper Engine Shutdown
When turning off your lawn mower, shut it off slowly. Allow the engine to idle for a short period of time to cool down before shutting it off completely. This will prevent backfiring during engine shutdown.
Carburetor Adjustment
Ensure that the carburetor is correctly adjusted before starting the engine. A well-adjusted carburetor will prevent backfires and ensure the proper air-fuel mixture.
Fuel Selection
Choose the right type of fuel for your lawn mower. Avoid using gasoline with high ethanol content.
Regular Inspection and Maintenance
Regularly inspect your lawn mower for any signs of poping or other issues. If you are not sure how to fix a specific issue, consult a professional for assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
How do I stop my lawn mower backfiring?
If your mower backfires while mowing that means you are decelerating the mower too quickly. To avoid this you have to lower the engine speed gradually.
Is it normal for a mower to pop?
No. A backfire mainly causes a popping noise. This happens when the fuel gets lit outside of the combustion chamber. If your mower faces the backfire regularly, you should ask for professional help to fix it.
Is backfiring engine bad?
A backfiring engine can cause engine damage power loss and decrease fuel efficiency. You should seek professional help to fix your backfiring engine.
What causes my mower backfire when starting?
There are many reasons why your engine backfires. The common ones are damaged flywheel, bad spark plug, and bad fuel.